The purpose of Law is to limit and contain harm-to-others.
This is done by:
1. Providing specified formats for contracts, treaties, deals and agreements, then providing registries of these to resolve arguments about opposed memories or interpretations of them later on with these recorded facts from which unbiased third-party arbitration can pronounce final sentence on disputes before they degenerate into violent conflicts.
2. Establishing what constitutes 'harm-to-others' and whether it has occurred; logically and implicitly from the fact that that all conflict starts with, at least, a perception that another or others are violating a plaintiff's life, liberty or property or, at most, clearly doing or having done so.
With this in mind, I took the liberty to find weird and strange laws. My search took me across the globe via The Google. For your edification and enjoyment, here are a list of weird and strange laws which are practiced around the World.
1. Headlights – Drivers in Denmark are supposed to keep their headlights on while driving not only in the night but also in the day. According to authorities, this has helped in preventing accidents. According to drivers, this has also helping in spotting authorities.
o Chewing Gum – Drivers in Denmark are supposed to keep their headlights on while driving not only in the night but also in the day. According to authorities, this has helped in preventing accidents.
2. Twins In China – This strange law was introduced in China by Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping in 1979, to check population growth. 35.9% of the Chinese population is still subject to this law. What happens if a mother should bear twins? A Chinese government official said under anonymity that women are taught this law at an early age. Hence, no woman was bore twins since 1978.
3. Jeans For Girls – A strange law issued in France in the year 1800, prohibited girls from wearing pants. The law was later revised in 1900. Today, French girls are allowed to wear pants only when they are riding a bicycle or watching a Jerry Lewis film.
4. Change – Canada introduced a strange law in 1985, which said customers cannot pay coins for the whole price of a good. At present the law has reduced it's severity. Shopkeepers may or may not accept coins but they cannot be forced. Canadians have the largest coin collections in the world.
5. Pink Shorts – In Australia, girls can go around in shorts but not if it is pink in color. Girls are fined if they do. Except for short shorts. Australia lawmakers overlooked this article of clothing.
6. Kissing – Kissing is not allowed in England and France especially on stations to prevent train delays. No fine is yet levied but the kissers face strong opposition from the police.
7. Jumping In London – In New York persons suspected of suicide by jumping from a building face the punishment of death.
8. Kissing On Condition – In Lowa, women can kiss their man in public only if he is clean shaved. Kissing a man with a mustache is illegal.
9. Moaners and Starving - In Massachusetts, moaners meals are restricted to three sandwiches. Eating more would be considered a criminal offense.
It seems it's important to carry a guide of general and strange laws to be able to make a successful trip here and abroad. If I had, I would not have chewed gum in Denmark, now facing lifetime imprisonment.
The YeetleMaster