Wednesday, December 29, 2004

The Yeetle Box

OK, so if you're interested in knowing more about THE Yeetle Box, then go here:

I really don't want to explain it all over again. It's so unworthy.

(Grumble, grumble, grouse, grouse, grouse.....)

But I do want fresh material - as long as it's good wholesome satire. (Should there be a comma in that sentence?) Post it here, or send it to - possibly the most spammed email address in the world other than Bill Gates'. (He gets about 4 million per day. His penis should be miles longer than mine by now.)

By the way, I'm considering running for President of the U.S. I think I'd make a dandy Prez.

The YeetleMaster

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well, so go here: And send email here: