Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Yeetle Box

The Yeetle Box

Ya know: I'm not paranoid. Honest. But the entire State of Illinois does not have a job for me! Wha...???? So, as long as I'm unemployed, the question is how to best spend my time without going too crazy. I have decided I will write a book about my life. I will devote one chapter to each year. The chapters will be only one sentence long, but will be really great sentences. When I am finished with the book - which shouldn't take more than a couple of hours - I am going to write a screenplay about my life. I will get someone like Charles Bronson to play me during my mid-life years. Not sure about child actors, though. They're so precocious, and I was a bit more in tune with things - even at the age of one. Even then I knew that the world was spinning out of control. And I was right. That said, I think I'll get Fred Flinstone to play my father and Aunt Bee to play my mother.

It could happen.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yours looks good too. The size of your text is fill a lot of pages!

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