Sunday, July 31, 2005

The Yeetle Box

The Yeetle Box

Ya know: I'm not paranoid. Honest. But the entire State of Illinois does not have a job for me! Wha...???? So, as long as I'm unemployed, the question is how to best spend my time without going too crazy. I have decided I will write a book about my life. I will devote one chapter to each year. The chapters will be only one sentence long, but will be really great sentences. When I am finished with the book - which shouldn't take more than a couple of hours - I am going to write a screenplay about my life. I will get someone like Charles Bronson to play me during my mid-life years. Not sure about child actors, though. They're so precocious, and I was a bit more in tune with things - even at the age of one. Even then I knew that the world was spinning out of control. And I was right. That said, I think I'll get Fred Flinstone to play my father and Aunt Bee to play my mother.

It could happen.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Yeetle Box

The Yeetle Box

Hey! Good news! But I can't say what it is!

Things to look forward to and brighten your day: Karl Rove might be forced to resign!

Saturday, July 09, 2005

The Yeetle Box

The Yeetle Box

Bombings in London. Bombings in Iraq. Bombings in Spain. Ever notice that Denmark NEVER gets bombed, though they should - what with wooden shoes and all. Now that's terrorism - people clomping around like horses on cobblestone. Ahhhh........ the geopolitics of the thing boggles the mind.

Somebody should go to The Yeetle Box and write something about it. You remember The Yeetle Box - such promise! Looking for inspiration.

The Yeetle Box

The Yeetle Box

Lord! Six months without gainful employment. The problem is I am enjoying it - except for the guilt. Tomorrow I meet with someone from the bank to discuss my investment portfolio. It will be a short conversation. LOL