Thursday, February 09, 2006

Psychotic Nerve

A woman I know refers to the back pain she receives as the result of a bad "psychotic nerve." Well, she might be right. Seems to me a psychotic nerve would cause much pain in the brain and the back.

So, I did a little research. Indeed, there is a psychotic nerve in all humans - and a few other primate species such as the lemur.

Apparently, the psychotic nerve begins in the cerebral cortex, extends through the brain stem, and routes along the spine, ending at the buttocks. Thus, it is a huge pain in the ass the causes hallucinations and paranoia.

So, the next time your doctor tells you the problem rests with your ciatic (sp.) nerve, ask him to say it again. It could be your psychotic nerve.

A second instance of the psychotic nerve is found within the White House. You see, it takes a lot of nerve just to start two wars with no way out, and to bankrupt the country in the meantime. Oh, and, by the way, it demonstrates chronic pschotic nerve to cut funding in education, spy on ordinary citizens, and try to make permanent a tax cut for the wealthy.

Now, I believe, in this instance, the psychotic nerve travels from the cerebral cortex of Karl Rove, along the spinal column of Dick Cheney, and ends in the buttocks of George W. Bush. This accounts for their collective delusional behavior.

(Just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you.)

The Yeetle Box

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