Monday, July 10, 2006

Happy Birthday to George Bush

What do you give a man who truly has everything? Take, for instance, George W. Bush, who turned 60 this past July 7. What can you give a man like him? Well, if you're still looking for belated gifts, try any one of these:

-Osama Bin Laden
-60 spankings at Gitmo
-a policy...any policy
-Monica Lewinsky for a night
-a lap dance
-a copy of Brokeback Mountain

OK, say you're from a RED state. You can't vote for him anymore; he's on his last term. And you absolutely loved how he has handled this country's gay problem. How about one of these:

-"I'm with stupid t-shirt"...for when he jogs alone
-an American flag...or a Confederate Flag (same difference to him)
-a copy of Fahrenheit 911...with your own personal edits (that's not so RED state since you're probably not going to buy a copy of Fahrenheit 911)
-a gun
-protective head gear for hunting with Dick Cheney
-a gallon of gasoline
-a picture of New Orleans' beautiful skyline

Yes, you can give the man something. He does deserve a birthday gift. He is, after all, for better or worse, the worst president in the history of the world. And that's hard to do.

The Yeetle Box

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