Friday, August 04, 2006

Say what?

Well, it has surely been a long time since I last posted an entry here. Why, you ask. Oh, so many reasons, but the primary reason: pure laziness.

So what's been going on in my absence? Nothing? Good!

Except WWW III broke out in the Middle East. No big deal. It's be over as soon as one of those prophets gets off their lazy butts and decides to fulfill their own prophecies. In the meantime, we gotta watch the rockets red glare, etc, etc etc, etc ... And that's NOT grammatically correct, I know.

What else? Oh, Mel Gibson - that poor excuse for a Christian! All those ant-semantic remarks! What's the big deal about anti-semantic remarks? Aren't we all anti-semantic to some degree.

And then there's George and Dick and Condi and Donald! Oh my! Still in power. Still dumb as posts, running this country like it were a skateboard. Extreme politics, for the lame.

Anything else? Hmmmmm....

Nothing worth mentioning.

Oh, I did add a Rock, Paper, Scissors game to The Yeetle Box. Go to Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Signing off. Good night, and be safe.

The Yeetle Box

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