Thursday, December 04, 2008

Yeetle Box - Father of the Year

Sam Burt, crazy Australian, made headlines last week when Australian media reported that he and his son Jack, 5 years old, woke up at dawn each day to walk from their home in a remote town in the Northern Territory to school.

The punishment was meted out because Jack had been kicked off the school bus for hitting the driver in the head with an apple core. In Australia, such offenses are dealt with severely as there is a shortage of apples. Now Sam Burt, to discipline his son's act, walks with him about 8 miles every day.

Fellow Northern Territory resident Renee Elliott was so impressed with Burt's approach she set up "The Sam Burt Tough Love Appreciation and Support Group" on Facebook, the world's largest online social network (below).

"All those in favor of Sam Burt's TOUGH LOVE say IIIIIIII," Elliott wrote on the site.

Apparently, the Australian vocalization of approval is the sound of eight consecutive I's.

The site has attracted more than 151 members from around the world since it was set up earlier this week.

"Bravo Sir, Big fan of your work," wrote Corey Wilson from Australia. "I now job with my son to school 37 kilometers. It has changed his entire attitude."

"Good on ya Sam, he will thank you for this one day," wrote Michelle Spooner-Astill from the United Arab Emirates. "This is the kind of torture even we can get behind."

"Finally, a parent takes time to teach their kid about consequence -- WELL DONE!!," wrote Jariah Kaissis. "When my four year old threw a temper tantrum at the zoo, I shot him in the foot. He hasn't had a temper tantrum since."

Burt has become a local hero in his hometown. One Australian newspaper said there have even been calls for him to be named "Father of the Year" in the annual national award.

Since Burt's disciplinary measure took hold, Sam, Burt's son, the apple-throwing hellion, has shown a decline in his grades, lethargy, and lack of interest or curiosity in the world around him.

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