People, Places, Things, and Concepts
Drunk driving lesson
A Massachusetts driving instructor was intoxicated while giving a driving lesson. Daniel Winsky received eighteen months of probation from the incident, which occurred in December of 2007. Winsky also lost his license for one year. Winsky was not operating the vehicle, but had passenger side brakes in the driver instruction car. Prosecutors from the case also say that Winsky moved the steering wheel during the lesson. He was charged with riding while intoxicated.
Woman survives head shot
When officers arrived at the residence of Tammy Sexton, they were greeted by an unusual sight. Sexton had been shot in the head by her husband. The bullet had entered her forehead and exited out the back of her head. However, Sexton did not seem to know what had happened and was making tea when officers arrived on the scene - "teabagging" as Republicans call it. She offered the police officers a beverage. The police had seen enough. Sexton was rushed to the hospital and doctors expect a full recovery.
Tree splits house
John Kiefer was investigating a fallen tree in his backyard when another tree fell into his living room. The second tree was a fifty foot red oak and was the hit tree for the first tree. The red oak tree split the house in two - or, in half, depending on your logic. Kiefer had been sitting on the sofa just minutes before the red oak tree crashed into his Georgia home. The only items destroyed in the house were collectibles, a piano, and his Sarah Palin buttons. Luckily, Kiefer's three dogs were staying at a kennel. Police are questioning the dogs for possible clues.
Police welcome peacock
Oregon police have welcomed a new member, a female Indian peacock, named Cynthia. (Actually, it it's a femaile, it's a peahen, but these are Oregon police.) Cynthia was found, by sheriff's deputies, on a property next to the office. At first, the deputies asked different animal shelter organizations to care for Cynthia. None of the organizations could help, for they did not have the facilities for a peahen, though Cynthia spends most of her day eating bugs and drinking water. This is all while watching over the Sheriff's Department. Cynthia's owners have not come forward to claim her for fear that PETA will find out and all hell will break loose.
The YeetleMaster

Woman survives head shot

Tree splits house
Police welcome peacock

The YeetleMaster
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