"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned,
Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned."
--William Congreve
--William Congreve

A Moscow woman, identified only as Kira V., which narrows it down significantly, reacted "inappropriately" when her boyfriend, Alik, rejectied her marriage proposal. Kira, who had been living with Alik D. for two years decided to suggest the idea of marriage to her partner. Alik refused Kira's proposal, stating he would rather go back to his first wife than marry Kira V.
So, he began packing and moving out of the apartment they had shared for two years.
But Kira V. did not like this at all.
When Alik started moving out Kira suggested they have a farewell dinner - to celebrate thoe good times. After a hearty meal and some heavy drinking, Alik fell asleep. What Kire V. did next rivals Misery, tying several firecrackers to Alik's penis and exploded them.
This startled Alik. He woke with a bang, so to speak, and, soon after, was rushed to the hospital.
Alik is currently in critical condition.
Kira faces a minimum 12-year sentence if Alik survives. If he does not survive - which would be the good new - she is free. However, it is unlikely she will ever get another date or boyfriend.
Second case in point:
Camilla Fields, a shoplifter from Memphis, Tenn., was stopped by a loss prevention officer at a local Wal-Mart. The officer approached Fields as she attempted to leave the store with several unpaid items. These items included razor blades, condoms, and whipped cream - an odd assortment of items.
When the officer approached, Fields hurled a car seat, containing her 2-month-old nephew, at the officer and escaped in a blue Ford Escort. The baby hit the concrete face-first, but was immediately helped by paramedics. The baby is fine. The child's mother, Stacey Cleaves was in the bathroom during the entire incident.
Fields was captured and faces charges of child abuse and neglect and assault - for throwing a baby...in a car seat...at officers...in a Wal-Mart...where you save money, live better.
The Mourning, Act 3, Scene 2 : read it.
The YeetleMaster

When the officer approached, Fields hurled a car seat, containing her 2-month-old nephew, at the officer and escaped in a blue Ford Escort. The baby hit the concrete face-first, but was immediately helped by paramedics. The baby is fine. The child's mother, Stacey Cleaves was in the bathroom during the entire incident.
Fields was captured and faces charges of child abuse and neglect and assault - for throwing a baby...in a car seat...at officers...in a Wal-Mart...where you save money, live better.
The Mourning, Act 3, Scene 2 : read it.
The YeetleMaster
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