Monday, December 31, 2007

Yeetle Box - 2008: Year of the Moronic

Yes. That's right. I predict 2008 to be the Year of the Moron. Why? Because, I do.

And, because George W. Bush is leaving office soon. And that means somebody else has looked at this huge mess we call our government and decided he or she can fix it.

So, here are my predictions:

  • President: Hillary Clinton. Say what you want, she has Bill on her side. And Bill is the comeback kid.
  • Vice President: Not much speculation here, but I'm going with John Edwards. Why? Because his good looks will keep Bill at bay and give Hillary someone to point to if Bill should get frisky.
  • Univeral Health Care will not emerge. Hillary does not support it - not really. She supports healthcare for everyone, but not if it means losing the support of pharm and insurance and others. She's a realist. Old school, but a realist.
  • Economy will enter a 2-year recession.
  • Troops will be in Iraq throughout Hillary's term in office.

Finally, I must say, in all honesty, that my predictions never come true. That said, I also predict that the moronic (i.e. those with moron tendencies) will control all natural resources by 2010. Oh, and look for a celebration on September 11, 2011. We like to celebrate things, ya know.

The Yeetle Box

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