The grandmother was released from jail 15 hours later.
The woman said Thursday she would never let anything hurt her granddaughter. She says she was driving at "snail-speed" and holding the child's leg. Witnesses, however, report she was driving above the snail-speed limit and was holding a gun (left) while singing, "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer."
Authorities say the woman told police she was giving the child some air and letting her have fun - "like they do on the Dukes of Hazard."
The grandmother faces charges of child abuse, wrongful imitation of a fictional character, driving over the snail-speed limit, and brandishing a weapon while driving.
The child is back with her mother - who was last seen barreling through large mud puddles on a dirt road with her 1974 Chevy pickup.
No children were spotted on the roof of the truck.
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