Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Yeetle Box - Buzzy Died

Buzzy died.

Maybe a week ago. Or two.

I can still smell the beer and whiskey on his breath.
See the leather face and red nose.

Sclerosis of the liver.

Ol' Buzzy was a great man who earned his nickname.

Nobody knows his real name. He used "Buzzy" on his job application and income tax returns.

Not even the IRS bothered him.

Cuz he was Buzzy.

He died a week ago. Or two.

Or maybe he died when he entered the Big City from the Little City he occupied.

He kept the transportation moving - 4 wheels, 8 wheels, 16 wheels, vans and cars and trucks.

Buzzy died like a '55 Impala.

Stop by his grave. Drop him a shot glass.

Buzzy died.

The Yeetle Box
The Yeetle Box

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