Thursday, April 24, 2008

Yeetle Box - McCain Mad as Hell, But He'll Take It

So, what's new in North Carolina?

In response to the North Carolina Republican Party's decision to run a racially inflamed television advertisement, McCain did not mince words.

“There’s no place for that kind of campaigning, the American people don’t want it, period,'’ Senator McCain told reporters. He said he had not seen the ad and hoped that he wouldn’t, but that he had been given a description of it.

“I understand that it moves numbers, negative ads do all that, but that doesn’t mean it’s right,'’ the good Senator said.

Senator McCain’s campaign released a letter he wrote today to Ms. Daves, chairwoman of the North Carolina Republican party:

This ad does not live up to the very high standards we should hold ourselves to in this campaign. We need to run a campaign that is worthy of the people we seek to serve. There is no doubt that we will draw sharp contrasts with the Democrats on fundamental issues critical to the future course of our country. But we need not engage in political tactics that only seek to divide the American people.

Once again, it is imperative that you withdraw this offensive advertisement.

Hey, McCain, you're a freakin' Senator and a war hero. You can't stop this if you don't want to?

The Yeetle Box

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