Friday, July 04, 2008

Yeetle Box - Jesus, Philosopher, Savior, Now Film Star?

Jesus has appeared on toast, in breakfast cereal, and even at random on walls, but now the he’s made an appearance in an ultrasound photo.

Amy Janer, a Miami, Florida mother had previously suffered from miscarriages, but as the video below shows, Jesus made an appearance at Week 32 and baby Sebastian went the distance.

Janer claims the face of Jesus can be seen in the ultrasound, with his beard leaning against the baby.

The devout Catholics said that they are sharing their story to give inspiration to others. No eBay auction of the ultrasound has yet been scheduled.

While Jesus normally does not do movies, this cameo appearance has gained significance within a small family in Florida - and opens the door for further film appearances. The Vatican has not commented on Jesus' future cinematic aspirations, but did hint that he was not pleased at all with his portrayal in Mel Gibson's films.

The Vatican also noted that such appearance are not associated with the Second Coming as they were not prophesied in the Bible.

The Yeetle Box

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how do they know? have they ever seen Jesus? I mean, couldn't it just have been some random guy with facial hair and a serious expression on his face?