While many are still deciding who should be president,
This is according to an Associated Press-Yahoo News poll - your source for irrelevancy.
Men are about evenly divided between the two while women prefer Obama by 11 percentage points. Men believe McCain is a more experienced horseshoe player than Obama while women believe Obama would more than likely not get as "sweaty." Obama ranks a remarkable 2 on the Yeetle Box Sweaty Scale compared to McCain who ranks an equally remarkable 8.
Whites prefer McCain, minorities Obama. Whites polled showed a dislike of pork while minorities favor pork by a small margin.
And Obama is a more popular guest with younger voters while McCain does best with the oldest. This is not surprise given the age difference between the two. However, the gap grows even larger if Obama has a kegger and McCain holds a nice, sit-down, picnic style meal. Many McCain voters defect to Obama by as much as 79 points.
Having Obama to a barbecue would be like a relaxed family gathering, while inviting McCain "would be more like a retirement party than something fun," said Wesley Welbourne, 38, a systems engineer from Washington, D.C. with no legitimate political credentials. Welbourne added, "I dunno. I just like to relax at barbecues and have fun."
Three-quarters of Democrats pick the Democrat Obama and the same number of Republicans pick McCain, a Republican. Independents are about evenly split - as they should be, or they wouldn't be independents, would they?
One in six people saying they'd vote for McCain prefer Obama as their barbecue guest; just one in 20 Obama backers would invite McCain. Wow. Talk about a swing vote!
The AP-Yahoo News survey of 1,759 adults was conducted online by Knowledge Networks from June 13-23 and had an overall margin of sampling error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points. The margin of sampling error for subgroups was larger. Additionally, the margin for relevancy was very low.
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