More than 30 percent of adults in each of the states tipped the scales enough to ensure the South remains the nation's fattest region - a phenomenon that has grown since the abolition of slavery.
Said historian and Southern attorney Bethy Hindend, whose book, "Obesity: A Lawyer's Perspective," "Traditionally, many slaves were underweight. Since the abolition of slavery, former slaves have raised the average considerably by eating more."
Why is the South so heavy? Some argue the traditional Southern diet — high in fat and fried food — may be part of the answer, said Dr. William Dietz, who heads CDC's nutrition, physical activity and obesity division - a dvision created by the CDC to bloat their bureacracy.

Mr. Fredricson notes the additional weight of the Confederate flag worn by Southerners as further skewing the results.

So the controversey continues - as caused, again, by another pointless government survey.
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