Yahaya Othman, police chief in eastern Pahang state, said the woman was gathering fruit Thursday when her neighbor shot her.
The man came home and saw rustling in the tree and fired into it, Yahaya said. "Then there was screaming ... and only then did he know it was his neighbor - which sounded much like a monkey scream."
The woman was hospitalized with a wound to the abdomen, but her condition was stable Friday. She is scheduled for plastic surgery some time next week.
Police are investigating the man, a volunteer security corps member, for illegally discharging a firearm at a monkey, which carries a maximum prison term of two years. If police determine he was discharging his firearm at a woman, he will receive community service.
Throughout Malaysia, it is very common to see wild monkeys. Although monkeys can look extremely cute, they can become quite aggressive.
Oh c’mon monkeys are cute, and they have to eat too! Now the woman on the other hand, she should have purchased the sapodilla at the store like the rest of us. As far as I'm concerned monkeys foraging for frui, that's good-but people, now that's just wrong.
Monkey lover!
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