p.s. This McClelland has got me steamed. It's just a way to steal from me media attention. And I won't stand for that. Today, I have ordered my staff to assassinate McClelland so that we may more properly focus on my candidacy.
This is the obligatory blog for The Yeetle Box. The "oblogatory" one might say. Sigh...
Sanrio Co. President Shintaro Tsuji called Hello Kitty's new appointment "an honor" and pledged to "work hard to attract many visitors."
Apparently, Japan does not feel they have received the "bump" they need from their current goodwill ambassadors: Korean singer Younha, Japanese actress Yoshino Kimura and Japanese pop/rock duo Puffy AmiYumi.
Hello Kitty is the first fictional character to achieve ambassador status, following blue robo-cat Doraemon as Japan's "anime ambassador."
Almost immediately after hearing the announcement, The Doobie Brothers joined together one more time to record "E.T. is Just All Right With Me."
Following suit, Brett James, the ASCAP's 2006 Songwriter of the Year for "Jesus, Take The Wheel," quickly re-wrote his award-winning song, now entitled "James T. Kirk, Take The Wheel."
Not to be outdone, rumors have been flying that Andrew Lloyd Webber, Baron Lloyd-Webber (above), composer of many popular musicals, including "Jesus Christ Superstar," is mulling over the idea of bringing back the cast from the popular musical to record and film an updated version: "Jean Luc Picard, Starship Captain."
But, what does Bill say?
47 million without helath insurance, Bill.
Craziest thing you ever heard, Bill? How about this, Bill?
"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."
Oh, Bill, remember the good ol' days?The wedding will take place beside a manmade lake on Bush's 1,600-acre ranch in Crawford, under an altar made of Texas limestone in a ceremony that the Bush family and aides say emphasizes the bride's Texas roots rather than the White House glamor where her parents now live. (Glamor?)
Who is this Hager fellow anyway?
Why you should vote for Mccain:
McCain does not pander for votes.
He loves his mom.
He is a war hero.
Ummm.... (I'm thinking.)
"I was shocked," he said. "There, in front of me was Mary. And I know she's a virgin. We always kid her about being the Virgin Mary, but this time, I don't know. Maybe she is."
Wednesday, May 7, 2008, 3:00 a.m.
After receiving the results of the son of Super Tuesday in Indiana and North Carolina, the Clinton campaign reviews its strategy going forward. Hiring a consult with vast experience in comeback wins and re-inventing reality, Hillary Clinton is convinced that this new campaign consultant provides the solution for the remaining primary season that will lead her to victory!
Arguing the while the "kitchen sink" strategy was helpful, the consultant decided the superdelegates needed something novel to swing Senator Clinton's way.
Let's watch.
After winning the bid, Tsengas, 71, spent the day talking about ancient excrement with newspapers, television networks and radio programs around the globe. "Who knew that old poop was that interesting?" Tsengas said. "Dr. Steve knew!"
Tsengas intends to keep the treasures on an office conference table. (The message to staff? "Think poop," he said.) The finds also will hit the road for display at trade shows. Staff from OurPets are less than enthusiastic.
Said one senior executive, "Shit. That's all it is. Just old shit. How am I supposed to come to work each day, pass by a huge pile of shit, and do my job? Shit is more properly displayed at the retail level."
"Poop," said Tsengas, "is a big business in the pet industry."
The Clinton campaign has argued vigorously that THIS letter should persuade superdelegates to side with her or she will continue her campaign well after January 2009.
Campaign insiders hinted that Senator Clinton has reached a transformative point in her life, grounded in running for office as her life's purpose and cause. They were quick to point out that just as Mother Theresa had no delusions of ending poverty, still, she made her life's work by helping the impoverished.
Mother Theresa rose from her grave and slapped Senator Clinton in the face.