Thursday, January 10, 2008

Yeetle Box - Religious Persecution?

Inmate Michael Polk, serving time for robbery and aggravated assault, filed a federal lawsuit against the Utah Department of Corrections for denying him the right to properly practice his religion, Asatru.

According to its teachings, adherents must communicate with such ancient Nordic gods as Odin, Thor and Heimdal. To do so, it is crucial they have a Thor’s Hammer, a mead horn for drinking wassail, a drum of wood and boar skin, a “rune staff,” and a sword.

Polk graciously said he would accept a cardboard sword. "Similarly," he said, "to Christians and their plastic Jesus stuff. The rest is non-negotiable. I think it's highly unreasonable to deny me these items of worship. It's not like this is Gitmo!"

Thor was not available for comment.

The Yeetle Box

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