Bachmann told the St. Cloud Times on Tuesday that she "made a big mistake" by going on MSNBC's "Hardball," a show she said she'd never seen before her appearance last week - which, if she had, she probably would have spoken more eloquently about other, less inflammatory issues such as Obama's association with terrorists and Obama's secret Muslim faith.
Earlier in the day, Bachmann told St. Cloud Rotary Club members she would like to "take back" the statement.
"I did not say that Barack Obama was anti-American, nor do I believe Barack Obama is anti-American. He loves his country, just as everyone in this room does," she told the crowd. "Nor did I call for an investigation of members of Congress for their pro-American or anti-American views. That is not what I said."
What did she say?
Oh. Well, that's different.
The Rotary Club luncheon was her first formal public appearance since Friday's interview, in which Matthews asked Bachmann if she believed Obama held anti-American views.
Her response was: "Absolutely. I'm very concerned that he may have anti-American views. That's what the American people are concerned about. That's why they want to know what his answers are."
Bachmann said Tuesday she probably should have watched "Hardball" to see what it was like before she went on it.
Tinklenberg's campaign issued a notice that he was ready to play hardball with Bachmann. No one responded.
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