Friday, October 03, 2008

Yeetle Box - Palin Gets a Hug!

Last night, Senator Joe Biden and Governor Sarah Palin squared off in the one and only vice-presidential debate this electoral cycle. Joe Biden, with 35 years in the Senate and a legislative track record the envy of John McCain, won the debate. Hands down. Smarter. More knowledgeable. More experienced. More worldly.

But, and this is a big but, Sarah Palin spoke in complete sentences - most of the time. You betcha she didn't. And for that, she is lauded as a greater debater who did not lose the debate, but appealed to the lowest common denominator of the electorate - the ignorant and blind who vote against their interests.

Oh, sure, she was amusing at times with her Fargo accent. But, too often, she was annoying as all get out as she proclaimed living in Alaska the equivalent of living in the "heartland" of America. Huh? The heartland?

The pundits, who had to say something good about Palin, came up with giving her a victory on "style."

Let's be clear: parents across this country with children who perform in grade school concerts brag about her good their kids sang. But these parents know their kids are no Pavarotti.

Palin is no Pavarotti.

She did not win. She did not lose because she stood for 90 minutes and talked. And, most of the time, when she talked, the audience understood the words. Yeah for Sarah!

She won by a standard applied most typically in the Special Olympics: she actually did it.

So, by the same standards of the Special Olympics, let's all send a big hug and "shout out" to Ms. Palin for standing up, talking in complete sentences (mostly), and finishing the debate - all 90 minutes.

Are ya happy, Joe Six Pack?

The YeetleMaster

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