Monday, October 20, 2008

Yeetle Box - Chambers v God: The Appeal

A Nebraska lawmaker says he may appeal after an Omaha judge tossed his suit against God because there was no evidence the defendant had been served papers. There was also no evidence he had not served papers.

Douglas County District Judge Marlon Polk said another factor in his decision to throw out the lawsuit, which was brought by state Sen. Ernie Chambers, I-Omaha, was the fact "there can never be service effectuated on the named defendant."

Chambers' suit, which was filed in September 2007, had sought a permanent injunction preventing the almighty from bringing about earthquakes, tornadoes and other acts of natural violence. Chambers is NOT the anti-Christ, but a thoughtful legislator committed to representing his constituents who consist primarily of people who have waited a long time to meet God face-to-face in a courtroom smackdown.

The lawmaker said he may appeal Polk's decision. Chambers noted that there is precedent in that many letters are sent to Santa Claus, though no evidence exists of these letters, yet are accepted as having been sent and received. In addition, he noted that many people communicate with God via prayer, an accepted form of conveying information to and from God.

"It is a thoughtful, well-written opinion," Chambers said of Polk's ruling. "However, like any prudent litigator, I want to study it in detail before I determine what my next course of action will be. These are grave matters."

Chambers, a 28-year veteran of the state Legislature, said, "Nobody should stand at the courthouse door to predetermine who has access to the courts," he said. "Anyone can sue anyone else, even God."

The YeetleMaster

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