"... you looked as if you were going to perform 'I Am the Walrus' by the Beatles," People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals said Wednesday of Franklin's appearance. "You might be a queen, but you don't know jack about compassion. That's right! Jack! No jack for you!"

Others singled out by PETA were Marilyn Manson, Eva Longoria ("in her trashy furs, she looks like the streetwalker of Wisteria Lane"), Lindsay Lohan, Kate Moss and Kylie Minogue.
PETA called Minogue cold-blooded for toting a python purse. As for Lohan, the group remarked: "`I Know Who Killed Me' isn't just the title of Lindsay Lohan's latest bomb, it's the cry of the animals snuffed out so this `Mean Girl' can pose in their pelts."
Christina Ricci, Martha Stewart and Alicia Keys have said they've given up wearing fur since being singled out by

In an odd show of human compassion, PETA said it took Britney Spears out the running because they didn't want to kick her while she's down. "Besides," said a PETA representative, "Ms. Spears is someone we're not sure is human anyway, so we're giving her the benefit of the doubt. We think she might be a some kind of marsupial."
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