Thursday, February 07, 2008

Yeetle Box - Super Tuesday Yields To What Just Happened Wednesday?

Welcome to What Just Happened Wednesday.

Well, Super Tuesday is over, but that doesn't mean we know what happened on Super Tuesday. Today, we solemnly turn to the talking heads and ask,

"What just happened?
Did my guy win?
Should I have voted differently?
Am I a Latino voter, too?
What IS my stance on global warming?"

This and more. Democracy is complicated - probaby why it is rejected throughout most of the world - the U.S. brand anyway. Give me Parliementary proceedings or give me boring speaches to the walls of the House of Representatives and a C-SPAN camera. Ugh....

So, what DID just happen? Bottom line:

Well, McCain is looking good. Huckabee is looking surprisingly good, but not likely to win, but will be very annoying to McCain throughout the rest of the primaries, declaring victory in the name of God. Romney? Ha! When you use YOUR money to finance your campaign, and you only take MA and UT, you get MAUT! (Look it up.)

Both Obama and Clinton won, but they won different things, but they both won, so if you're rooting for either, keep rooting, the games has really now just begun.

International View
In unrelated but somehow strangely related news, having sex with coworkers improves individuals' performance in the workplace, according to a study published in the February 5, 2008 edition of The Sun. We assume they mean WORK performance. Or maybe not.

One in five workers quizzed by the Italian researcher admitted to office affairs. Actually, four in five workers have had affairs.

Nearly twice as many women revealed having office trysts as men, with one-third saying they did it to advance their careers. The other two-thirds said they did it to advance their lovers' careers. (The math here is odd. If twice as many women have office trysts than men, then more women than men at a 2:1 ratio. How could...??? Ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!

Get your passports ready. We're relocating!

The Yeetle Box

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