Saturday, February 02, 2008

Yeetle Box - How To Make A White Russian - Truly

Russians visiting a health resort in Yessentuki received a rude shock when a nurse accidently used hydrogen peroxide instead of water to give them enemas.

17, which seems like an odd number anyway, tourists in the Caucasus spa town were treated in the hospital after the mix-up.

Sources at the sanatorium said the mistake was caused by water and hydrogen peroxide looking the same - and vica versa. "That is to say," said one source, "if you pour each substance into a glass and hold a glass in each hand, and hold up the glass to a light source, you will discover the two substances are indistinguishable."

He added, "It's a very good theory."

Hydrogen peroxide, often used to bleach hair, is mostly used as a disinfectant - which is perfectly appropriate given the intended use in this situation. Warnings on ALL bottles of hydrogen peroxide state that the product should not be ingested.

Not all tourists were disappointed. Many said they felt much cleaner and would return, but not for a traditional enema, but the new and improved enema.

The nurse who administered the enema err, stated, "I really don't think a shot in the rectum can be even vaguely considered "ingestion."

Interestingly enough, tourism since the incident has risen 17 percent, the exact number of tourists who received the hydrogen peroxide enemas.

Vladimir Putin was unavailable for comment as he was staring at a glass of water and wondering.

The Yeetle Box

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