-From NBC/NJ's Matthew E. Berger

I'll take McCain over Obama ANY day ANYTIME. Idon't want a racist, Anti-American for President. Clinton 08
-Patty,sd,ca (Sent Wednesday, March 26, 2008 6:06 PM)
If Hillary doesn't win the nomination, I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue. Then I'm going to vote for John McCain, just to prove to the world how big a Hillary supporter I am. Who cares if he wants to keep the U.S. in Iraq for 100 years, or that he'll pack the Supreme Court with conservatives, or that he'll continue the Bush tax cuts for the rich? What's really important to me is being spiteful and teaching America a lesson that if Hillary can't be president, then NO Democrat can. Nyah.
-michael, woodland hills, ca (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:55 AM)
-michael, woodland hills, ca (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:55 AM)
- Patty as a Obama supporter I would not want your vote anyhow. Get informed, please read and comprehend what you are reading. A racist- Obama, prove.
--Chris lawrence Plainville MA (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:57 AM) - Hey Patty, I look at you as being in the group that wouldn't vote for Obama in the general, but would you still vote for McCain if it was a Obama(Prez)/Clinton(Vice-Prez) ticket? Because I believe that that is what will have to happen to bridge the divide within the party. But I haven't heard any polls about that possibility yet. And if there are other people out there that has Patty's view point (not vote 4 Obama in the general if and when Clinton concedes), what are your thoughts.
--Paul, Dallas TX (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:57 AM) - Yes, Patty, he's racist against half of himself. Give me a break.
--Anne, Pittsburgh, PA (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:57 AM) - Patty, I see your comment as very unwarranted and contradictory. He won't be running for President if he's anti-American. You can't visit the iniquity of one person over another. Afterall, he's not a pathological liar like some other.......Be more objective! Independent 08
--Sunday Buckman, Los Angeles, Calif. (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 7:57 AM) - I have on occasion read some of these blog entries. Many are not necessarily my opinion, but they are well-written and offer insight. However, having said that, there are a few - Patty,sd,ca, for an example who seem to only want to spew hate, bigoty and racism. Because we have 1st Amendment rights, she is allowed to write these statements. But I ask: Anyone who wants to give an opinion, please educate yourselves fully on whatever issue it is you rant about. And please check spelling and grammar. Thanks.
--Robbie Weiner, New Haven, CT (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:03 AM) - Patty,sd,ca, What make Obama a racist? Rev. Wright? Because if his ties to his former pastor make him a racist, then just about every white american is a racist for their ties to their ancestors, also America itself is racist for it ties to past racial injustice. How crazy does that sound!! Look you can support Clinton without spreading the lies that her campaign is putting out. Or maybe just maybe, what you are saying is that you would never vote for an African American, now does that make you a racist? I'm warning all Americans, black and white, Hispanic and Asian, be careful with race issues, the last thing we need in this country is a racial explosion, because the America we love will never be the same. Look around the world where racial wars are going on, they are very unstable dangerous places, just look at Iraq.
--Tony, Orlando, FL (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:06 AM) - "I'll take McCain over Obama ANY day ANYTIME. Idon't want a racist, Anti-American for President." I don't see how comments like these get posted all the time from this particular individual. Saying Obama is racist and anti-American demonstrates an appalling depth of ignorance that is frightening in its scale. Please be specific about how Obama is anti-American or racist. Please explain why when viewed in its proper context, your example proves your point. Your comments have consistently been nothing but vitriol and uniformed drabble so its time to put up or shut up.
--BobW Mendon, NY (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:07 AM) - To Patty,sd,ca: You have got to be the most ignorant person on this blog. Why don't you just give it up? You obviously have no integrity, common sense or intelligence. You don't know the definition of racist. Remember Obama is half white and was raised entirely by that side of the family. Why don't you go do something productive with your life?
--Jim Black (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:08 AM) - Patty, If you don't want a racist for President, don't run.
--CG, Orlando, FL (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:09 AM) - Ignorance must be bliss, especially in the case of the so-called sd, Patty, CA. Can you explain what undeniable evidence you have, that can prove your idiotic conclusions you have made. Just because you heard 30 sec. of a sermon, which I'm pretty sure that you've never heard the rest of speech. It's very disturbing that someone appointed or elected you this position.
--Jay, Atlanta, GA (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:09 AM) - The reason why we have George Bush is because people like you. Now who's racist, Anti-American. You would vote for a republican all because your girl didn't win. How stupid is that..God help us because we have alot of idiots in America.
--roger, ft.lee, Va (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:13 AM) - So Patty wants an ancient, war loving Bush clone? She must really have enjoyed the past 7 years.
--Ol' Lefty (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:14 AM) - Patty, to say Obama is a racist is just ignorant. You don't deserve to vote until you educate yourself a little more. You have passed the "ready to vote" test yet.
--Tom (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:18 AM)
--Sandy Charlotte NC (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:19 AM) - Patty, Throw away your democratic party principals. Vote for war, corporate profiteering, and the destruction of the middle class. GO! Your one of them anyway.....
--Ted Mitchell, Jackson MI (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:20 AM) - Patti, above, is the type of ill informed democrat that the party needs to re-educate, her opinion cannot be the product of serious in depth review of Obama's positions and history, because the racist charge would show itself to be jaw droppingly wrong, but instead she relies on the media's spin through selective sound bites. Thoughtful voter indeed.
--mkd, pa (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:20 AM) - Patty wake up and smell the coffee....you would openly support a lier? .... what does that say of your morales and or character?....show real honest to goodness PROOF that Obama is a Racist and is Anit-American.....heres the rub....YOU CAN'T! Steve from Beautiful Oklahoma
--Steve, Ada Oklahoma (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:21 AM) - Patty, that's a disturbing comment. Has Obama said ANYTHING "anti-American"? Has Obama said ANYTHING that says he is not patriotic? Isn't Obama's very own mother white!?! Is your claim that Obama dislike's his own mother? I pray that we as an American people do not fall into the hype and try to analize this situation a bit further.
--Owen, Atlanta, GA (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:21 AM)
I'll take McCain over Obama ANY day ANYTIME. Idon't want a racist, Anti-American for President. Clinton 08
--Patty,sd,ca (Sent Wednesday, March 26, 2008 6:06 PM)
- Ghhezzzzzz! Go away patty will you.
-C A, Tuscaloosa, AL (Sent Thursday, March 27, 2008 8:22 AM)
Will Patty go away?
Stay tuned.
Keep free speech alive.
Happy blogging.
The Yeetle Box
Will Patty go away?
Stay tuned.
Keep free speech alive.
Happy blogging.
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