Monday, March 31, 2008

Yeetle Box - Spam Like This...

In a world, where spam flows freely, one man is about to unlock the door...

Dear Brian,

How many times have you asked why it can't be YOU? Sure, we complain about 'The Man' but what if you knew his deepest secrets? Even better, what if he mentored you to his level of success for FREE? reveal the secrets of wealth...

You see, one of the people best known to people as 'The Man' is letting the cat out of the bag...
There's a shortcut to riches 'he' used. A tried and tested, foolproof way to hotwire the system and join 'The Man' instead of living off the scraps from his table.


We live in uncertain times. Either you wait for 'The Man' to axe your livelihood or learn his all his tricks before it's too late.

Discover the big secret by clicking here.

Best Regards,
Mark Patrick

Your World Will Never be the Same Again When You Uncover ‘The 5 Secrets’ this Secret Society Protects…
--The New York Times

“Snatched from ‘The Man’: The ‘Secret’ Wealth Plans He Doesn’t Want YOU to Have!”
--The Washington Post

Exposed: The Quick-Cheat Blueprints to VAST sums of cash and unlimited power and freedom… will risk everything.

Freedom by Friday is a FREE weekly Internet newsletter published by The League of Power. The League of Power is a secret society dedicated to the liberation of its members from slavery to ‘The Man’ by means of FREE information and a FREE profit opportunity filtering service. Subscription to Freedom by Friday does NOT guarantee an invitation to The League of Power. Full League of Power membership is by strict invitation ONLY if and when places become available. The League of Power reserves the right to expel any subscriber or member for any reason. CURRENT ACCEPTANCE RATE: 7.28% FBFA

The Yeetle Box

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